Profiles in cowardice: Trump’s Senate enablers

Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.), Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) and Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) are respected Republican Senators with notable achievements. They have experience and accomplishments outside the Senate. They have gravitas. They also are Trump enablers, which — when history is written — may overshadow some of these other works.

Several years ago, at a Seattle dinner, William Ruckelshaus, the former Deputy Attorney General and FBI director, discussing Trump’s transgressions, noted that in these matters there’s usually a lot beyond what is known. I suspect much of that will surface eventually — and that reckoning will embarrass those who should have known better.

My definition of “enablers” in this instance has almost nothing to do with policy. These lawmakers voted for the tax cuts, Supreme Court justices and repeal of Obamacare out of conviction. Those are legitimate policy debates.

However, they also largely refused to condemn Trump’s habitual lying, coddling of dictators overseas and criminals at home, disdain for the rule of law … you know the list: It’s is both long and sadly familiar.

Politically, it was easier for these men to just go along.

Source: The Hill