Trump’s new policy to build his Wall: “Just take the land!”

Trump is so desperate and obsessed with having at least 500 miles of his wall built by Election Day 2020, he “directed aides to fast-track billions of dollars’ worth of construction contracts, aggressively seize private land and disregard environmental rules, according to current and former officials involved with the project.”

He told aids that his base will be disappointed if he cannot deliver on his campaign promise from 2016. “The Wall,” however, is still in the “blue print” stage and aids have told Trump that many of his suggestions to fast track The Wall are illegal. Trump said he would pardon officials if convicted of any illegalities. “Just take the land!”

When asked to comment on Trump’s suggestions to disregard environmental laws, eminent domain, contracting procedures, and whatever else, a White House official “who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said Trump is joking when he makes such statements about pardons.”

The Pentagon is expected to divert $3.6 billion to help fund The Wall. The funds will come from projects slated for 26 states.

White House press secretary Hogan Gidley said, “Donald Trump promised to secure our border with sane, rational immigration policies to make American communities safer, and that’s happening everywhere the wall is being built,” Gidley said. He called internal criticisms of the president “just more fabrications by people who hate the fact the status quo, that has crippled this country for decades, is finally changing as President Trump is moving quicker than anyone in history to build the wall, secure the border and enact the very immigration policies the American people voted for.”

“President Trump is fighting aggressively for the American people where other leaders in the past have rolled over, sold out, and done absolutely nothing,” he said.

Trump will also divert $271 Million FEMA funds to the DHS for aid relating to border security.

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