Pence Builds a Future in Indiana

Former VP Mike Pence is looking at life beyond Trump to include building a fundraising committee that would help him maintain a relationship with donors.

Pence and Mother took a post-insurrection vacation to St. Croix, Virgin Islands, after the inauguration and an announcement of his new venture is expected in the coming weeks.

Within the next month, he is likely to announce the formation of a non-profit social welfare organization to amplify his positions on a “consistent conservative philosophy,” as one person familiar with the plan described it. Such groups, known as 501(c)4’s, can be active on political issues, but are not allowed to engage in campaigning, and can attract millions of dollars by keeping their donors secret.

Pence is not expected to make any announcements about future campaigns until after the 2022 mid-terms, but the formation of a 501(c)4 would give him a foothold with fundraising campaigns for a potential 2024 run for president.

The Pences plan to stay with family until they buy a permanent home in Indiana later in the year.

And maybe he will write a book.