‘QAnon shaman’ must remain in jail, judge rules

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A federal judge ruled Monday that the so-called “QAnon shaman” who was charged in the Capitol insurrection is too dangerous to release and must stay in jail while his case moves forward.

Judge Royce Lamberth said that Jacob Chansley was unrepentant and could plot further attacks against the US government if put on house arrest. He rebuked Chansley as having shown “a detachment from reality” by claiming his actions on January 6 were peaceful and harmless.

“Defendant characterizes himself as a peaceful person who was welcomed into the Capitol building on January 6th by police officers. The Court finds none of his many attempts to manipulate the evidence and minimize the seriousness of his actions persuasive,” Lamberth wrote.

Chansley had asked the judge to release him from jail in recent weeks, in a series of attention-grabbing moves from him and his lawyer. Lamberth’s decision on Monday rejected several of Chansley’s arguments but primarily hinged on the fact that Chansley carried a spear on January 6.

Source: CNN