Franklin Graham: Trump’s Wealth Dropped Because ‘He Put America Over His Own Interests’ !



In a post to his Facebook page this Friday, Christian evangelist Franklin Graham commented on a recent report showing Donald Trump’s dropped by almost 300 slots on the Forbes list of richest Americans. According to Graham, it’s because of Trump’s selflessness.

“President Trump did not even take a salary when he was serving as president—he gave it all back,” Graham wrote. “So many politicians leave office with far more money than when they came into office. This report says President Trump also dropped about $1 billion in wealth during those four years while he served.”

Graham went on to say that Trump became president “not to make money or to put his hand in the till, but to do his best to preserve the great things about this nation for future generations.”

“He put America first, not his own interests. I’ve never seen anyone work harder. Thank you President Trump for your sacrifice and service to this nation.”

According to Forbes, Trumps wealth fell from $3.5 billion to $2.4 billion, while the  S&P 500, meanwhile, increased 70%.


“President Trump did not even take a salary when he was serving as president—he gave it all back,” Graham wrote.

Trump’s salary as President was $400,000 per year for a four year total of $1.6 million.

As of December 30, 2020, the site “Cost to Taxpayer” estimates that Trumps golf outings have cost the public $145,000,000.

No scripture and/or proselytizing.

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