Arrest follows crash on Washington Monument grounds, police say

An arrest has been made after a vehicle was reportedly driven toward a crowd of pedestrians on the Washington Monument grounds on Saturday evening, the U.S. Park Police said.

The vehicle struck a security barrier about 7:30 p.m. on the southeast side of the grounds and no pedestrians were injured, the park police said.

Thousands were expected to gather on the grounds for the July 4 fireworks.

The park police said Jack Joseph Dessin, 38, of New Jersey, was arrested on charges of assault with a dangerous weapon (automobile) and destruction of government property.

Photos were posted on Twitter on Saturday night of a vehicle that came to rest near a low retaining wall around the monument. Two or more signs appeared to be fastened to the vehicle. It was not clear what they said.

The Washington Post:

Article submitted by, AucepsTheLocalMilkPerson.