Kyrsten Sinema Explains She’s Not Becoming a Republican

We’ve all seen Kyrsten Sinema on the Senate floor chatting it up with Mitch McConnell and John Thune, and Thune admits now he has been trying to recruit Sinema to defect to the other side.

Sinema confirms, “No. Why would I do that?” 

Sinema says she has been criticized for her policy positions, defense of the filibuster, and her fashion choices. She says she’s not trying to dismiss a Democratic majority, but says differences in opinions are natural.

“I’ve been concerned at the push that happens in both parties, this push to have no disagreements. To only have unity or to only speak with one voice. And some will say, ‘Oh, that is our strength,’” Sinema said. “Having some disagreement is normal. It is real, it is human. And it’s an opportunity for us as mature beings to work through it.”

A 35-minute interview revealed a bit of what Sinema thinks about several topics. For instance:

  • She thinks Democratic leadership aims too high.
  • Critics should be able to protest without following her into a bathroom.
  • She likes to hang out with Mitch McConnell because he has an underrated, dry sense of humor.

She’s also tired of the wardrobe critics, saying men don’t have to endure this behavior.

“It’s very inappropriate. I wear what I want because I like it. It’s not a news story, and it’s no one’s business,” Sinema said. “It’s not helpful to have [coverage] be positive or negative. It also implies that somehow women are dressing for someone else.”

In regards to the upcoming negotiations on the Democrats’ social spending bill, she described in the interview what she supports and what she does not.

  • She supports paid leave in general.
  • She doesn’t support raising taxes on corporations and high-income earners, saying she sees it as having a negative impact on the economic climate.
  • She also views the climate provisions as the most important part of the bill, unlike Joe Manchin.
  • She plans to remain primarily silent on her positions while negotiating the bill.

“If you’re in the middle of negotiating things that are delicate or difficult … doing it in good faith directly with each other is the best way to get to an outcome,” Sinema said just a few minutes after returning from Biden’s signing ceremony. “I’m still in the process of negotiating the second provision of the president’s agenda … and I don’t negotiate in the press.”

And in case you missed it, Senator Sinema had a chance to mention some of her negotiating buddies at President Biden’s signing ceremony on Monday.

See more at Politico.