Coffee Talk

Good morning, NewsViewers, hope you are waking rested, refreshed, and feeling ready to take on today’s outrgeous issues — because we can be sure there will be several to tackle.

Coffee Talk gives us a few moments to gather ourselves and our thoughts while sipping something coffee-ish or whatever it takes to start your engines. This is the Free Chat Zone of Thursdays, and it’s your place to check in with your friends here and browse your local forecast, while deciding how many layers you’ll be needing for the day.

But in case you need a topic to discuss amongst yourselves, Coffee Talk is throwing something against the wall to see if it sticks.

Today’s Topic:

We are officially one week out from Thanksgiving Day, and I’m getting tired of seeing all of the preps in the grocery aisles and end-caps. There are stacks of French Fried Onions, bags of Pepperidge Farm stuffing, walls of canned pumpkin, and — it seems everywhere I look I see Hershey Kisses in multiple varieties — all wrapped in Christmas themes and flavors! Whatever!……..

What is the best part of Thanksgiving Dinner?

While some look forward to that traditional turkey, we all know of our First World Problems and American Excess. There are the side dishes — and all those carbs, carbs, carbs! Whipped potatoes with gravy, yeast rolls, casseroles and salads, from sweet to savory. And of course, the pies — is there anyone else out there who does not like pumpkin pie? I know, it’s Thanksgiving blasphemy, but I’m putting it out there.

What are you looking forward to on Thanksgiving Day?

Let’s begin the salivating, shall we?

And feel free to chat freely! Have a great Thursday!