D.C. Police lieutenant suspended over alleged ties to right-wing, hate group Proud Boys

Lt. Shane Lamond, a 22-year veteran in the intelligence branch with the D.C. Metro Police Department (MPD), has been put on leave amid an investigation into alleged improper contacts with a prominent member of the hate group Proud Boys. Officials claim to have found evidence suggesting communications between Lamond and Henry “Enrique” Tarrio.

During a press conference, D.C. Police Chief Robert J. Contee III said only that a member of the department had been placed on administrative leave during an “ongoing investigation” being conducted by his department, the FBI and the Department of Justice. He would not confirm nor deny if Lamond had anything to do with the January 6 attack on the Capitol building.

The Washington Post reached out to Tarrio who said he provided Lamond or other police officials advance notice when the Proud Boys planned to rally or march in the District. Tarrio also said that during their marches, Lamond would provide him with the location of counter demonstrators so they could avoid confrontation and possible arrests.

“He was just a liaison officer for when we held rallies,” Tarrio said of Lamond. He denied their relationship extended beyond that and said he is not a confidential informant for anyone on the D.C. police force.

“They’re just trying to get anybody at this point,” Tarrio said of investigators. “I only told him, ‘We’re coming into town and we’re going to hold this protest.’ That’s as far as the relationship went.”

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According to Freedom Rock Radio, who had ‘Terrible’ (and disgusting) Ted Nugent on blast at the time of this publication, claimed that alleged communications between Lamond and the Proud Boys was ‘good policing.’

Instead of celebrating that Lamond has worked with both sides to know where they will be and keep them apart, potentially saving property and lives, he is now being slandered as having ties to a “hate group.”

Activists have long complained about law enforcement cozying up to the Proud Boys “pointing to fist-bumps seen between members, officers posing for photos with Proud Boys and some police turning away as members destroyed Black Lives Matters signs.”

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