Franklin Graham Tells Fox News if People ‘Pray for Putin’ God Might ‘Change His Heart’ !

Evangelical minister Reverend Franklin Graham told Fox News that people should pray for Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin in order that God might “change his heart” and turn him “away from sin.”

“And I admire them, and we want to do all that we can to help them. It’s a mess. It’s going to get worse, I’m afraid. And what President Putin’s end game is, I don’t know. But I think we just need to pray that God can change his heart,” he added.

“And I would recommend for people to pray for Putin. I don’t want to be misunderstood [on this point]. I want people to pray that God would change his heart. And turn his heart around, and that he would see the sin that he’s involved in. That he would repent and turn from it.”

 “And if we pray, that could happen.”


On Friday Franklin asked for people to join him in 10days of prayer over the Ukraine “conflict”.

Back on February 18, Graham asked prayers for Putin as well.

Preacher Franklin Graham Condemned for Telling Fox News Viewers to Pray for Putin: ‘You Pervert the Word of God’

Well, you get the idea.

No scripture and/or proselytizing

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