Ohio School Board Member Censured For ‘Typo’ Linking to Porn Site

The board for the Lakota Local School District in Liberty Township in Ohio asked Darbi Boddy, 41, to resign following the X-rated incident. 

Boddy claims she “accidentally” posted a link to a pornography site on her campaign’s Facebook page. She further claims that she meant to post a link to a site about sexual education for teens.. She since has taken the post down.

Boddy says she won’t resign and says she’s there “to protect the community and protect the children”.

However, a room full of angry parents and staff thinks she did the opposite of protecting their children when she posted a pornographic website to her public Facebook page.

“So then I clicked on it, and it indeed was porn. And I was just blown away by it. Like, why is this on a school district page?” said Heather Cameron, a mother of two children in the district. “We are ready for her to be held accountable for her actions.”

The school board voted unanimously for Boddy to resign, but can’t force her to quit.

NZ Herald

Boddy was elected in November on a platform opposing the teaching of mask mandates, critical race theory, Black Lives Matter and the 1619 Project, the New York Times Magazine issue which centers on slavery in American history and was subsequently published as a book.

Boddy has repeatedly clashed with Lakota Local School Board President Lynda O’Connor since taking office in January. O’Connor said Wednesday that even if the pornography website was posted accidentally, Boddy had demonstrated “gross negligence” and “reckless conduct.”

O’Connor accused Boddy of having made “disrespectful and unprofessional comments” to district officials and board members.

21WFMJ Youngstow

Boddy, child in tow, huffs out of the school board meeting.

Claims it was a “political ruse”:

Her raincloud follows her home:

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