“It’s time for ‘Dark MAGA’ to truly take command,” says Madison Cawthorn

Less than 48 hours after his shocking defeat in North Carolina’s primary election, Rep. Madison Cawthorn took to Instagram to post a defiant, vengeful, and typo-riddled message promising a “Dark MAGA” comeback.

After decrying the establishment-driven campaign to unseat him following a long series of scandals, Cawthorn credited those he called his true allies, specifically naming figures like former President Donald Trump, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), “the great Charlie Kirk,” and Tucker Carlson.

“I am on a mission now to expose those who say and promise one thing yet legislate and work towards another, self-profiteering, globalist goal,” Cawthorn said. “It’s time for the rise of the new right, it’s time for Dark MAGA to truly take command.”

Before vowing that this Dark MAGA would “defeat the cowardly and weak members of our own party,” Cawthorn said the “time for gentile politics as usual has come to an end.” (Later, Cawthorn corrected the typo so it would read, “genteel politics.”)

GOP state Sen. Chuck Edwards defeated Cawthorn by 1.5 percentage points in Tuesday night’s primary election, and the 26-year old incumbent may serve out his term until January 2023.

The Daily Beast and Mother Jones