Some of the Most Extraordinary Files from Recently Released January 6 Committee

Mike Lee, Mark Milley, and Hope Hicks, oh my!!

The January 6 Committee posted thousands of pages of its collective evidence from Trump attorneys, aides, and outside advisers surrounding Trump’s last-ditch efforts to overturn the 2020 election and the disastrous riot at the Capitol.

Politico took a look at some of the most extraordinary evidence in the files recently released by the committee.

  • News Views followed up with tweets showing screen shots of those files of evidence. If you click on the photos separately within tweets, you should be able to zoom in and read more clearly the content.

New call logs

The committee posted the White House call logs from Jan. 2, Jan. 3 and Jan. 5, 2021. The January 2 log contains the hour-long call to Georgia which urged officials to “find” votes. That infamous call was followed by a Zoom meeting to Rudy Giuliani, a call to Mark Meadows, and a 22-minute call to Steve Bannon. 

“He does do his own tweets”

Trump’s social media guru Dan Scavino makes no excuses for Trump’s “will be wild” tweet, and says no one told Trump to issue the tweet and nods to its authorship.

“We all look like domestic terrorists now”

Trump aide Hope Hicks texted with Ivanka Trump’s chief of staff Julie Radford on the afternoon of Jan. 6, and lamented the likely misfortune regarding future employment endeavors.

“All of us that didn’t have jobs lined up will be perpetually unemployed. I’m so mad and upset,” Hicks wrote. “We all look like domestic terrorists now.”

“Not being dramatic but looks like we are all fucked,” Hicks continued. “Alyssa looks like a genius.” (Alyssa Farah, a former aide, had departed the Trump administration weeks before.

These two also discussed a tweet from Javanka’s sister-in-law, Karlie Kloss, who seems to also be concerned with the violence happening on January 6 in an attempt to thwart democracy.

Milley says Trump admin considered court-martialing retirees who criticized Trump

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley’s 300-page interview transcript is jammed with some of the most explosive news of the Jan. 6 committee’s entire investigation.

Milley said he dissuaded Trump officials from the idea that retired military officers who wrote op-eds critical of Trump should be recalled and court-martialed.

“I advised them not to do that,” Milley said.

Milley said he had conversations with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Lt. Gen. Keith Kellogg and Mark Meadows in which all described Trump as being in a “dark place” because of his defeat.

Milley said he had gone to extraordinary lengths to collect and protect a “boatload” of documents he said he anticipated would be relevant to future investigations.

A dangerous idea

Utah Senator Mike Lee pressed Trump attorney Cleta Mitchell on a “slippery slope” that was trying to overturn an election.

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