NYC Mayor Adams Calls For Making City Into “A Place Of God”

Mayor Adams called on New Yorkers to transform the city into “a place of God” Thursday — the latest in a series of faith-based remarks that have defied conventions set by his City Hall predecessors.

Adams, who was speaking at a faith-based summit on mental health, posed much of his speech in the form of questions that boiled down to one focal point: How does one reshape New York City into a place that exudes an aura of faith and God?

“How do we take a city that is the center of the power of America and turn it into a city, when you enter it, everyone sees faith and sees God?” the mayor said during Thursday’s confab, held at Columbia University’s Teachers College. “Our challenge is not economics. Our challenge is not finance. Our challenge is faith. People have lost their faith.”

Two weeks ago he was talking gibberish when he said that he doesn’t believe in the separation of church and state.

NY Daily


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No hell below us, Above us only sky, Get over it