Just When You Think It Couldn’t Get Any Worse: Hannity Says ‘Sources’ Claim the GQP Will Try to ‘Draft’ TFG as Speaker; Says TFG is ‘Open’ to It

MT-G also wants the Orange Turd to become the next Speaker of the House. "Be afraid. Be very, very afraid," said some MAGAt while looking in the mirror.

On Tuesday’s episode of Fox ‘News’ Hannity, Sean claimed:

“Sources telling me at this hour some House Republicans have been in contact with and has started an effort to draft former President Donald Trump to be the next speaker, and I have been told that President Trump might be open to helping the Republican Party, at least in the short term, if necessary.”


Later in the show, Hannity interviewed Gym Jordan on the matter.

Hannity isn’t the only MAGAt making this claim:

Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, former Trump adviser Steve Bannon, and even the far-right cable network Newsmax all floated the idea of Trump taking over the role Tuesday evening, just minutes after McCarthy’s ejection from House leadership.

MAGAts in the cLoWn HoUsE salivating over the prospect of a Speaker Orange Turd Trump:

From Reuters:


Under the U.S. Constitution, the House speaker does not have to be a member of Congress. That is the reason some Republicans have floated the name of former President Donald Trump for the job, even though he is running for president and has said he does not want the job.

5 Fast Facts about the speaker of the House

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