Free Chat Friday, Week 32

Week 32 and we explore “the landscape of bone,”, an apt phrase from the poem “Diving Into the Wreck” by Adrienne Rich. This week we’ve felt shredded, stripped bare, and worried; we’ve experienced life on “the raggedy edge.”

Every day a new thing, an outrageous inexplicable thing; at least that’s what we hear about; and meanwhile if we turn it all off, we see life going on, at least in our little worlds; the poverty, lies, grief and insanity are what we trudge through at the same time we chat about weather, gas up our cars, go to doctor’s appointments, eat something or other for dinner; and after the trudge and drudge, we plop somewhere and watch Stranger Things or Shark Week or HGTV while thinking about the fact that tomorrow is garbage day and we need batteries and our multi-vitamins from the store. Dang. And then there’s the job…….

So we’ve got a lot to chat about, this our first Free Chat in our new digs; And as usual, anything goes with or without reason (who needs reason anyway? 😁) and it’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood….the pixilated neighborhood (sorry, I couldn’t help it, I LOVE Mr. Rogers…..) So, chat-wise, watcha got, News experts? …….