Trump Loses Bid to Delay $83.3 Million E. Jean Carroll Defamation Judgment

Leaving Him With Days to Cover $83M Judgment

A New York judge on Thursday denied Donald Trump’s request to delay the penalties in E. Jean Carroll’s defamation case, leaving the former president three days to pay or post a bond for the entire $83.3 million judgment.

“Mr. Trump’s current situation is a result of his own dilatory actions,” Judge Lewis Kaplan wrote in his order late Thursday. “He has had since January 26 to organize his finances with the knowledge that he might need to bond this judgment, yet he waited until 25 days after the jury verdict … to file his prior motion for an unsecured or partially secured stay pending resolution of post-trial motions.”

Kaplan said that Trump failed to show how the judgment constitutes an “irreparable injury” or demonstrate the expenses he faces by posting a bond in the case. “The expense of ongoing litigation in the absence of a stay does not constitute ‘irreparable injury’ in the relevant sense of that term,” Kaplan wrote.


Donald Trump’s attorneys had begged the Court put a stay on the judgment until at least next Thursday while post-trial motions are resolved and as they seek a longer stay on the judgment. That means Trump will have to come up with the cash and post his bond by Monday. Legal experts speculate that Trump is having difficulty securing the $91M+ million needed, which includes the judgment and interest.

Trump had asked the Judge earlier this week to hold a new trial or to rule that he didn’t lose the case, despite the jury’s verdict. He was swiftly denied then as well.



 In trying to wrangle enough cash for a bond, Trump also risks default on existing loans. For example, evidence from the trial revealed that one loan from Deutsche Bank required him to “maintain $50 million in unencumbered liquidity and a minimum net worth of $2.5 billion.”

Trump could try to find other assets to pledge, but he faces the complication of a monitor, the former federal judge Barbara Jones, appointed to oversee the Trump Organization’s finances at James’s behest. Though Trump had a say in her selection process, he has more recently complained about her work. As Wheaton explained to me, “Judge Jones may well say she has a fiduciary duty to make sure the Trump Organization has sufficient liquidity for day-to-day needs, so she won’t let him [act] until she sees an acceptable financial statement, which we know he had not as of the day of judgment.”


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