Orange County, CA now officially Blue

Long time Republican utopia, Orange County, CA, is now officially a BLUE county. According to the Los Angeles Times, more voters have registered as members of the Democratic Party.  Registered Democrats and have surpassed Republicans by a very slim margin.

Here is the break down:

547,458 registered Democrats
547,369 Republicans
Voters that do not align with either party now total 440,770, or 27.4% of the county’s voters.

The Democratic Party believes the change in party dominance stems from their efforts to heavily recruit candidates and potential voters in the area, the county’s changing demographics, and displeasure with Trump.

Shawn Steel Republican national committeeman for California and Seal Beach resident believes the decline in registered Republicans is because of “the large increase in the number of voters who register with no party preference, and on Republicans leaving the state because of high housing costs, poor schools and lackluster job opportunities.”

In the 2018 election, the Democratic Party flipped all seven seats the county holds in the House of Representatives. Ronald Reagan, Richard Nixon and John Wayne spin in their graves.

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