The KKK holds a rally in North Carolina

The Klan showed up in Hillsborough, North Carolina but were met with peaceful counter-protesters who outnumbered the hate-filled group.

Community members and elected officials at the local, state and national level immediately condemned the group and congratulated the counter-protesters for standing united against hate.

Hillsborough Mayor Tom Stevens said in a release, “I am grateful and applaud the citizens of Hillsborough for turning out, for standing by each other, and for standing together to demonstrate to the world that the toxic, KKK, neo-confederate, white-supremacist message has no place in our community. None.

The city received no advanced warning on the Klan’s plan to show off their hate and racism because they did not have a permit.

During a shift change, Orange County deputies noticed the group and immediately contacted the Hillsborough police.

The rally even drew the attention of Beto O’Rourke, who is running for the Democratic nomination for president in 2020.

“…with the comfort of knowing their president called some of them “very fine people.”

Both groups dispersed peacefully and no arrests were made.

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WTF, America?! What the actual F?!