Trump again blames Obama for Russia’s ouster from the G-7

A reporter asked Trump about Russia’s ouster from the G-7, previously known as G-8. Trump, once again, falsely claimed that Russia outsmarted Obama. 

It was annexed during President Obama — I know you like President Obama — but it was annexed during President Obama’s term.  If it was during my term, I’d say, ‘Sorry, folks. I made a mistake.'”

“President Obama was pure and simply outsmarted. They took Crimea during his term. That was not a good thing. It could have been stopped — could have been stopped with the right, whatever. It could have been stopped. But President Obama was unable to stop it, and it’s too bad.”

In 2014, the majority of the G-8 members voted in favor of ousting Russia because the country illegally invaded Crimea and still holds control over the country.

Trump also claimed that “numerous people inside the G7 felt that way” when asked if the group should allow Russia to return.

A lot of people say having Russia, which is a power, having them inside the room is better than having them outside the room,” Trump said.

If it was up to Trump, he would definitely have Putin attend the next summit. “(I would) certainly invite him,” Trump said.

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WTF, America?! What the actual F?!