Angela Merkel Snorts as Donald Trump Says He Has ‘German in My Blood’

President Donald Trump has been mocked after remarking that he has German in his blood while expressing excitement over a proposed future trip to Germany.
Trump made the comments during a meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, prompting the veteran leader to raise her eyebrows and seemingly laugh at the president’s reference to his German ancestry.

Though the pair have never enjoyed a particularly warm relationship, Trump lavished the chancellor with praise during their meeting at the G7 conference being held in Biarritz, France this weekend, Deutsche Welle reported.

Trump said Merkel—who is no longer the leader of her party and plans to step away from political life when her fourth term ends in 2021—is a “brilliant woman” and “understands exactly where everything is, she knows it before most people.”

Full article at : Newsweek

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