Donald Trump ‘Extremely Nervous’ About Tax Returns

The White House counsel to President Richard Nixon said President Donald Trump looks “extremely nervous” about the release of his tax returns after Deutsche Bank implied that it holds copies of the documents sought by Congress.

Deutsche Bank said in a filing at a New York federal appeals court that it holds tax returns relating to the subject of congressional subpoenas, but redacted the name, citing client confidentiality and contractual agreements. Trump has long had a relationship with Deutsche Bank.

“In addition, the Bank has such documents related to parties not named in the subpoenas but who may constitute ‘immediate family’ within the definition provided in the subpoenas,” the filing stated, in what is widely interpreted to mean President Trump and his children.

“There could be a lot of trouble there for Mr. Trump,” John Dean, who helped orchestrate the Watergate scandal and pleaded guilty to obstruction of justice during the affair, told CNN on Tuesday night.


Article submitted by: CPO1