Unattributed NOAA statement subverts science for Stable Genius sycophancy

National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) released an unattributed statement yesterday that fully caters to Trump’s narcissistic meltdown and goes as far as to slam National Weather Service (NWS) for adhering to sound scientific protocol and responsibly communicating with the public regarding their safety. 

Alternative NOAA (a resistance group of science defenders within the agency) has been addressing Trump’s Tantrum on Twitter and debunking his nonsensical outbursts throughout his six day (and counting) ordeal.

NWS released the initial statement that Alabama was not in any peril from hurricane Dorian last Sunday, not because of Trump’s completely erroneous tweet, but because their phones were swamped by concerned citizens who were freaked out. At that point, there was effectively zero chance that Dorian would impact the state and it was in the public’s interest to assure them of this.

Alternative NOAA has urged the media to file a FOIA to unearth the miscreant who bastardized the scientific integrity of Official NOAA and misrepresented meteorological science methodology only to validate Trump’s Dorian Delusion.

They emphasize that the action of whatever transient official who inhabits Trump’s butt does not reflect on the quality or integrity of the career scientists in the trenches who are there for the long haul.

Unfortunately, people are now arguing that scientists themselves and their work at NOAA are not trustworthy because of the statement released under the agency’s name that serves 45’s ego and subverts science.

On the other side, those who accept the NOAA statement at face value may likely have eroded trust in science and future advisories. Hurricane Donald has landed and left a disaster in its wake.

For more information, please visit Alternative NOAA’s Twitter feed: