Elizabeth Warren: ‘Donald Trump is corruption in the flesh.’

At a campaign rally in New York City, Senator Warren spoke extensively about corruption in our government. “Corruption has put our planet at risk. Corruption has broken our economy. And corruption is breaking our democracy.”

Warren spoke to a crowd of over 20,000 people at Washington Square Park near the “former site of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory, where a fire on March 25, 1911, left nearly 150 workers dead, many of them immigrant women and girls.”


Warren continued to speak out against corruption and what it does to society as a whole:

“Climate change. Gun safety. Health care. On the face of it, these three are totally different issues,” Warren said. “But despite our being the strongest and wealthiest country in the history of the world, our democracy is paralyzed. Why? Because giant corporations have bought off our government.”

She also brought up just how corrupt our current president is and how “he serves only himself and his partners in corruption.”

Of course, her comments got under Trump’s thin skin.

Speaking to reporters on Air Force One on Tuesday en route to California, Trump rejected the significance of Warren’s Monday night masses — and with no evidence rebutted her crowd count — saying that “anybody” can attract crowds “standing in the middle of Manhattan in the most densely populated area of the country.”

“I get these crowds in areas that nobody’s ever seen crowds before,” Trump continued. “Pretty amazing. Certainly if I went to Manhattan, if I went there — number one, she didn’t have 20,000 people, and number two, I think anybody would get a good crowd there.”


Go Deeper:

Elizabeth Warren’s first priority as president: ending government corruption

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