Rep. Omar confronts Twitter over Trump’s latest lie

Representative. Omar asked Twitter to remove one of Trump’s tweets that falsely claimed she was out partying on the anniversary of 9/11..

“They have a responsibility and they set community standards and clearly the president has shown many-a-times that he has violated their community standards,” she told POLITICO. “I don’t even know why his account is not fully suspended — why he’s not deplatformed.


The issue began when Trump retweeted a tweet originally posted by Terrency Williams, a vile wing nut whom some have labeled an actor and comedian. The tweet shows Rep. Omar out dancing and partying it up on the anniversary of 9/11. 

However, that never happened.  The video that accompanied the original the now deleted tweet actually occurred on 9/13 at a Congressional Black Caucus event.
Notice the date on this tweet? Hint: It’s not 9/11

Twitter has confirmed Williams deleted his original tweet but never commented on Trump retweeting the lie.

Since his latest tweet about Rep. Omar, she now claims she has received even more threats against her.

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WTF, America?! What the actual F?!