Last Call-9-21-19

Day 975 of the Trump (mis) administration and we’re still standing but who knows what the lunatic will do now that he’s authorized troops to Saudi Arabia to protect the murderous Kingdom and the United Arab Emirates.  

So, after only six weeks in business, things are looking pretty promising.  I want to thank all of you for your participation and give a special thanks to those who have submitted articles for publication.  Please keep them coming! 

We have several new faces and we’re so glad you have joined Our News Views Community, welcome!

A few fun facts: 

On this day September 21st 1922, President Warren G Harding signs a joint resolution (Lodge-Fish Resolution) to establish a Jewish homeland in Palestine (Israel). By signing the resolution President Harding helped bring the establishment of the Jewish state one step closer for the Jewish people.

1957 – “Perry Mason”, the television series, made its debut on CBS-TV. The show was on for 9 years.

1970 – “NFL Monday Night Football” made its debut on ABC-TV. The game was between the Cleveland Browns and the New York Jets. The Browns won 31-21. 

1981 – The U.S. Senate confirmed Sandra Day O’Connor to be the first female justice on the U.S. Supreme Court. 

1980 – Bob Marley
During a North American tour, Bob Marley collapsed while jogging in New York’s Central Park. After hospital tests he was diagnosed as having cancer. Marley played his last ever concert two nights later at the Stanley Theater in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.


Bruce Springsteen’s Born in the U.S.A. becomes the first CD made in the U.S.A. (1984)


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About Ms. G 5677 Articles
WTF, America?! What the actual F?!