‘I’m Donald Trump and I approve this lie.’

“I’m Donald Trump and I approve this lie.”

Trump’s campaign will release a week long, $10 million ad beginning Sunday. The new ad is based on a completely fabricated complete lie.

It has already come under fire because it is based on a Wing Nut conspiracy involving Joe Biden, his son Hunter, and providing “U.S. aid to Ukraine contingent on that country firing its chief prosecutor and claims that the fired prosecutor was investigating Hunter Biden. It also accuses Democrats of trying to “steal the 2020 election” by impeaching Trump.

Surprisingly, Trump actually followed campaign laws and did a voice over at the end of the ad endorsing it: “I’m Donald Trump and I approved this message.”

Joe Biden’s deputy campaign manager Kate Bedingfield said in the statement that the new ad campaign is proof that Trump is “in a panic.” She said Trump “is trying to pick his opponent, and he will fail. Donald Trump is terrified of Joe Biden because the Vice President would beat him like a drum.”

Associated Press:
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