Man walks 351 miles to meet underage girl for sex; she was an undercover cop

Tommy Lee Jenkins, 32, from Indiana had no access to a car but was so desperate to meet a 14 girl, “Kylee,” he corresponded with online. 

Jenkins set out walking 351 miles through three states and along the Great Lakes to meet her in Wisconsin.  But, it didn’t work out quite the way Jenkins planned.

After completing his four day journey and arriving at his destination, police immediately arrested Jenkins.  Turns out, “Kylee” was an undercover cop waiting for his arrival.

Jenkins has had trouble in the past with kids.

According to The Washington Post,in 2011, while living in Oshkosh, Wis., he was charged with two counts of repeated first-degree sexual assault after two boys, ages 7 and 8, told police Jenkins had touched them inappropriately and threatened they would get in trouble if they told anyone.”

The Washington Post:

Jenkins denied the allegations but “later pleaded no contest to four counts of child abuse, a reduced charge. He was sentenced to four years of probation and his 360-day jail sentence was stayed, the paper reported.”

Jenkins asked “Kylee” if she would like for him to come get her. When she agreed, he began is four day journey. He updated her along the way with pictures, signs, and text messages.

No one knows for sure how many miles he covered by foot because someone allegedly bought him a bus ticket that got him to Milwaukee.

In of his messages to Kylee, he told her he wanted “to have 500 kids with her, including one in the next year. When Jenkins arrived in Winnebago County later that same day, an FBI agent and local authorities arrested him.”

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