Prospects of German, European stability unclear after Thuringia election

[…] shocking results from the state’s regional election last night solidify a roiling trend of political polarization in Germany that foreshadows coming instability in both Berlin and Brussels.

What happened in Thuringia?

Thuringia is the last of Germany’s formerly communist eastern states to take to the polls this year. Since 2014 […] the socialist Left Party has led a coalition government with the center-left Social Democrats (SPD) and the environmentalist Greens.

The far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) led by Björn Höcke — whose local political faction is being investigated for extremism — doubled its vote share to place second with 23%. The CDU placed third with 22%, followed by the SPD with 8%. […]


What does this mean for Berlin?

For Berlin, the results out of Thuringia bring a startling picture into clearer focus: Gone are the days of stable centrist governments.

For the first time in German postwar history, the four political parties representing the political center failed to resonate with a majority of voters.

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Article submitted by, µthos.