Trump administration proposes rule to allow faith-based adoption agencies to discriminate against LBGTQ parents

On Friday, the Trump administration proposed a rule that would allow foster care and adoption agencies to discriminate against LBGTQ and other prospective parents based on their religious beliefs while still receiving public funding.

The White House claims that the Department Health and Human Services needs this new rule “to remove barriers that prevent some nonprofits from helping vulnerable people in their communities. It would apply to a broad range of organizations that receive federal support, such as those that get federal funding to help the homeless or prevent HIV. But the focus from supporters and detractors Friday was on foster care and adoption services.

Under the proposed rule, HHS would redo an Obama-era rule that included sexual orientation as a protected trait under anti-discrimination protections.”

Associated Press:

Supporters of Trump’s proposed new rule include: the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and the Family Research Council.

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