Neo-Nazis give Republicans grief for not being Trumpian enough.

The GOP must now face the Frankenstein they created

The Washington Post reports, Trump Jr. and Trump campaign senior adviser Kimberly Guilfoyle were shell-shocked by the angry reception they met on Sunday at a book event at the University of California at Los Angeles. “When unruly heckling drowned out the couple’s answers, leading the pair to walk offstage, it wasn’t leftists who cut the event short,” the newspaper reports. “Instead, the rebukes came from a crowd of young people who rank among the most ardent and extreme supporters of President Trump.”

The protesters call themselves the “groyper army,” an allusion to the alt-right’s appropriation of the cartoon character Pepe the Frog. They often wear MAGA hats and profess to love Donald Trump but worry that his administration has been watered down by moderates.  Under the instruction of the far-right anti-Semitic radio host Nick Fuentes, the groyper army has taken to protesting events led by Republican groups like Turning Point USA (TPUSA) and leading right-wing luminaries like Ben Shapiro, Charlie Kirk, Jonah Goldberg, and Texas Representative Dan Crenshaw.

At some conservative events, the groyper army can make up as much as a third of the audience. They love badgering Republicans for being insufficiently homophobic, anti-Semitic, or racist.


Editorial submitted by, Great Gazoo.