Happy Friday News Viewers; what a week, the first week of the impeachment hearings. . . .Yes, other news happened as well, important news…..
But not much could compare with the hearings; what we witnessed has been a startling view of a breaking government struggling to fix itself; of tried and true rules facing opposition and ridicule; of the best of us surfacing to try through truth telling to rebuild what’s eroded from the past three years of double dealing.
It would be easy to minimize what we’ve witnessed this week; cynicism is always a refuge we can use. But watching Vindman, Yovanovitch or Hill, Taylor and Kent, Holmes, Hale, Cooper and Williams, their clear-eyed directness in the face of scheming and misdirection reminds us we’re still in the game– bruised, broken maybe, but still in it.

So let’s freely chat since it is Free Chat Friday– what’s going on in your worlds? After this week, we need to let off some steam so anything goes, within reason or hey, without reason. . … What’s on your mind?