Netanyahu rivals are trying to bring him down after corruption indictments

Benjamin Netanyahu’s political opponents have moved to capitalise on a series of damning bribery indictments levelled against the Israeli leader, hoping to further weaken him at one of the lowest points in his decades-long career.

The opposition Labor party was expected to file petitions to the high court of justice to force the country’s longest-serving prime minister to step down.  Under Israeli law, a sitting prime minister is not obliged to resign when charged with a crime, only if they are convicted. But the law has never been tested as Netanyahu is the first head of an Israeli government to face criminal charges while in office.

The indictments have thrown Netanyahu’s personal fate into uncertainty at a time when he also faces deep political pressure. He has failed twice this year to form a new government despite two national elections and the prospect of a third now looms as Netanyahu’s popularity is expected to have taken a hit. Cracks in his Likud party have already begun to show.

Full article over at The Guardian

Article submitted by Great Gazoo