200 countries pledge ‘green revolution’ at COP25

The head of the UN says he is "disappointed" in global efforts made to limit emissions at the international climate conference COP25 in Madrid. 200 countries pledged a "green revolution" on the first day.

Leaders from over 200 countries gathered for talks on Tuesday, as the second day of the COP25 climate summit got underway in Madrid.

At the start of the summit on Monday, leaders pledged to launch a “green revolution” to combat the devastating effects of global warming.


Who said what?

Spain’s interim Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez slammed climate change deniers, saying “only a handful of fanatics deny the evidence.” US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told reporters later that she agreed with the sentiments, and that leaders should “stick with the science” when it comes to climate change.

n her speech, Pelosi denied suggestions that this may be the last time that the US sends representatives to the annual climate conference. US President Donald Trump formally removed the US from the Paris climate accord last month, but Pelosi said that the US remains committed to its goals.

“We’re here to say to all of you, on behalf of the House of Representatives and the Congress of the United States, we’re still in it, we’re still in it,” she told delegates during her speech.

Europe to lead the way


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Part-time despot and Dutch mini-pancake connoisseur. Has been known to play a musical instrument or two, much to the chagrin of people and pets around him. Visit me on Mastodon