Bernie Sanders Becomes Top Candidate Among College Students

Bernie Sanders has overtaken Elizabeth Warren for top 2020 Democratic candidate in a new poll conducted December 2-4 among college students.

The big picture: Warren’s recent decline among college students mirrors polling of the general population, but while Pete Buttigieg has been gaining among all voters during that time, Sanders is the one who’s gained the mostamong students.

Between the lines: Warren’s descent in national polls followed criticism around how she planned to pay for Medicare for All.

  • But the corresponding spike for Sanders — who wrote the Medicare for All legislation — among college students is a sign that their problems with Warren aren’t due to her support for the idea.

By the numbers: Buttigieg was the only other candidate to gain more than 1 point in this poll since October.

  • President Trump ranks second in the poll, behind Sanders and ahead of Warren. But he’s the sole Republican alternative, while students who prefer Democrats have divided loyalties. Considered another way, less than one in five college students would vote for the president.

This story is at Axios.