New Conservative Super PAC to Target Trump Includes George Conway

A small group of President Donald Trump’s fiercest conservative critics, including the husband of the president’s own chief adviser, is launching a super PAC designed to fight Trump’s reelection and punish congressional Republicans deemed his “enablers.”

The new organization, known as the Lincoln Project, represents a formal step forward for the so-called Never Trump movement, which has been limited largely to social media commentary and cable news attacks through the first three years of Trump’s presidency. Organizers report fundraising commitments exceeding $1 million to begin, although they hope to raise and spend much more to fund a months-long advertising campaign in a handful of 2020 battleground states to persuade disaffected Republican voters to break from Trump’s GOP.

The group is led by seven of the GOP’s most vocal critics of Trump, many of whom have left the Republican party. They include Steve Schmidt (former McCain advisor), John Weaver (advisor to John Kasich), Jennifer Horn (former New Hampshire GOP chair), Rick Wilson (veteran GOP operative), and George Conway (husband of Kellyanne and conservative lawyer).

The Lincoln Project will target disaffected Republicans and right leaning independents, and plans to focus on blocking Trump and his Senate enablers primarily in key states such as Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin along with Arizona and North Carolina. Their Senate efforts likely would focus on Arizona, Colorado, North Carolina, Maine and possibly Kansas and Kentucky.

See source here.