Trump holds a bigly rally in Michgan; reacts to impeachment and attacks John and Debbie Dingell

As the House voted to impeach Donald J Trump, he held a bigly rally in Battle Creek, Michigan.

President Trump struck a defiant tone on Wednesday night, lashing out at Democrats who had impeached him and insisting he had done nothing wrong.

Moments after the House passed two articles of impeachment against him, he used a campaign rally in Michigan, a crucial state in the 2020 presidential campaign, to describe the vote as an attempt to “nullify the ballots of tens of millions of patriotic Americans.”

“They said there’s no crime,” he said. “There’s no crime. I’m the first person to ever get impeached and there’s no crime. I feel guilty. It’s impeachment lite.”

“I don’t know about you, but I’m having a good time.”

“Three Democrats went over to our side,” he said. “That’s unheard of.”

Donald J. Trump- 12-18-19

Only two Democrats — Reps. Collin Peterson of Minnesota and Jeff Van Drew of New Jersey — voted against both articles of impeachment. Van Drew is expected to switch parties to join the Republicans. A third Democrat, Rep. Jared Golden of Maine, voted for one impeachment article, and Democrat Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii voted “present.”

President Donald Trump made a macabre quip about late Democratic Rep. John Dingell at his rally in Michigan on Wednesday night, suggesting he was “looking up” from Hell.

Dingell’s widow Debbie responded with a tweet, saying, “I’m preparing for the first holiday season without the man I love. You brought me down in a way you can never imagine.”

Please watch this. This exemplifies his bottomless pit of vile.

More lowlights of his hatefest found here:

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