Christianity Today Doubles Down on Pro-Trump Evangelical Criticism

Christianity Today continues its criticism of the Trump administration and its ties to pro-Trump evangelicals, saying that the link between the two is damaging to the evangelical body.

A new editorial “The Flag in the Whirlwind” published by CT’s president, Timothy Dalrymple, comes after the publication received its own criticism after an editor, Mark Galli, wrote an opinion calling for Trump’s impeachment and removal.

Dalrymple wrote: “We nevertheless believe the evangelical alliance with this presidency has done damage to our witness here and abroad. The cost has been too high. American evangelicalism is not a Republican PAC. We are a diverse movement that should collaborate with political parties when prudent but always standing apart, at a prophetic distance, to be what Martin Luther King, Jr. called ‘the conscience of the state.’”

After Galli’s original editorial was published, a group of 200 evangelicals wrote to another publication, the Christian Post. An editor there has resigned in protest of its publication.

The Flag In The Whirlwind in its entirety is here.

Story source is here.