Good morning and Happy Friday, News Viewers.
Ms. Rachel is ‘on assignment;’ so, you’re stuck with me. Aren’t you lucky?! Personally, I love the time I’ve had off.

So, let’s get a few things out of the way—To HELL with the downvoter; he’s just a lonely POS. Just make sure you give your fellow News Viewer an upvote to counter his incel, Trumpstained downvote and recommend our discussions.
Just know; we’re working on nailing the annoying POS. I just don’t want to block the wrong person so, I’m being ‘conservative.’

We’re coming very close to the end of the year and I want to save a few things for a special edition of Last Call on Saturday evening. So, I’m going to put up a tweet that I like, a few cartoons, and let you guys have fun.

Again, Happy Friday and thank you for all that you do! We have the best Community alive.