Coming off an election high that resulted in Andy Beshear unseating Republican incumbent Gov. Matt Bevin in Kentucky last month, retired Marine combat pilot Amy McGrath officially filed to challenge Moscow Mitch for one of KY’s US Senate seats. Politicos predict it will be a very “bruising, big-spending campaign next year.”
“It absolutely gives us momentum because it shows that against an unpopular Republican incumbent, a Democrat can win. And we win by talking about those bread-and-butter issues that Kentuckians really care about.
And that’s what I’m going to be talking about over and over again. With Mitch McConnell, we’re not going to get any progress on these things.
-Amy McGrath Associated Press
Moscow Mitch has another Democratic challenger, Mike Broihier, a political newcomer. Broihier is a Marine officer, farmer and small-town newspaperman. His man focus centers around good paying jobs and health care.

Defeat Moscow Mitch, 2020!