10 Political Events From 2019 That Might Raise Your Spirits

From funding for the Census to Stacey Abrams’s persistence, progressives did score some victories this year.

Life under this presidential administration has brought many dark days of despair. Looking ahead to the 2020 elections, many members of the media see doom and defeat. Away from the White House, however, this year also offered up ample reasons to hope as we head into the next. Here, then, is the evidence of things not seen: 10 stories from 2019 that should renew your faith in politics.

10. Legal Victories for the Activists Fighting for Families on the Border

9. Continued Progressive Investment in the Work of Stacey Abrams

8. The Supreme Court Saves the Census

7. Louisiana Reelects a Democratic Governor

6. Democrats Take Control in Virginia

5. We Finally Get Closer to Passing the Equal Rights Amendment

4. The 1619 Project

3. The Continuation of the Demographic Revolution

2. Pelosi Retakes the Speaker’s Gavel

1. Trump Is Impeached

Go to link for substantive comments on each of the events.


Article submitted by, Great Gazoo.