Christian triggered over photo showing ‘devil horns’ solar eclipse in the Middle East

While on vacation in Qatar this past December, Astronomer Elias Chasiotis took some photos of a solar eclipse over the Persian Gulf. The photos were gorgeous, but some saw them as a sinister sign that coincides with recent tensions on the region.

The Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN News) characterized the image as “appearing to show a pair of ‘devil horns’ rising up” on a Middle East horizon. The article also made sure to point out that there were a “pair of major earthquakes” that “struck near a major nuclear plant” around the same time the photo went viral. – From Dead Sate

Some preacher named Charlie Shamp said it relates to a prophetic broadcast” he did about “the Prince of Persia arising in Iran.”

And the almost as scary Reverse Devil’s Horns.

About Surley 2558 Articles
No hell below us, Above us only sky, Get over it