The Trump administration’s ‘bigly deal’ with the Taliban already shows signs of implosion

“The government of Afghanistan has made no commitment to free 5,000 Taliban prisoners,” President Ghani told reporters in Kabul on Sunday, a day after the accord was signed in Qatar’s capital, Doha.

“It is not in the authority of the United States to decide, they are only a facilitator.”

Pompous Ass Pompeo ‘splains ‘things:

The United States and the Taliban have signed a peace agreement however, “Afghan President Ashraf Ghani announced that his government had not agreed to a clause set out in the deal.”

Ghani objected to arrangements within the deal that would see the Afghan government release 5,000 Taliban prisoners as a condition for direct talks between the armed group and the government. 

Ghani objected to arrangements within the deal that would see the Afghan government release 5,000 Taliban prisoners as a condition for direct talks between the armed group and the government. 

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WTF, America?! What the actual F?!