Here are the latest Super Tuesday delegate numbers

As of 1:30 am Eastern Wednesday, the following numbers of Super Tuesday delegates have been awarded:

  • Former Vice President Joe Biden: 269 delegates
  • Sen. Bernie Sanders: 239 delegates
  • Former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg: 36 delegates
  • Sen. Elizabeth Warren: 12 delegates
  • Rep. Tulsi Gabbard: 1 delegate

Having picked up the above delegates on Super Tuesday, here’s where all the candidates currently stand in overall delegate count (you can visit Vox’s delegate tracker for more on this):

  • Biden: 461
  • Sanders: 404
  • Bloomberg: 46
  • Warren: 34
  • Former South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg (dropped out): 26
  • Sen. Amy Klobuchar (dropped out): 7

The remaining presidential candidates are all competing for a majority of 3,979 pledged delegates; when Super Tuesday is done, 1,344 pledged delegates will have been spoken for. It’s important to note we likely won’t know the final allotment for days — or possibly weeks — as votes from California are counted.


Article submitted by, Great Gazoo.