Romney Says Biden and Burisma Probe is Political

Romney Could Be a Roadblock to New Subpoenas

Senator Mitt Romney said on Thursday that the GOP effort to investigate the Bidens and the Ukrainian gas company Burisma appear to be political, and added that people are tired of political investigations.

Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Ron Johnson has led an effort to subpoena a former consultant with a U.S. firm with ties to Burisma.

Romney is a member of the committee that holds an 8-6 Republican majority. If Romney were to vote no on the subpoena issue, it would conceivably result in a 7-7 tie, and the subpoena effort would fail.

Romney has not said whether he intends to support the subpoena when the vote is scheduled for March 11.

“I would hope if there is something of significance that needs to be evaluated that would be done perhaps the FBI or some other agency that’s not as political as perhaps a committee of our body,” the Utah senator continued. “We also have a lot of work to do on matters that are not related to Burisma. We probably ought to focus on those things.”

See also The Hill.