And the horse he rode in on


David Clarke was once suggested by fellow nutter, Ginni Thomas, wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas to Trump, for a job in Homeland Security.

I seems as if Mr. Clarke went on a bit of a Twitter rant Sunday.

Twitter has since taken down 3 of the tweets for violating it’s rules. Fortunately for us, we have copies. Here’s some of his tweets.

“GO INTO THE STREETS FOLKS. Visit bars, restaurants, shopping malls, CHURCHES and demand that your schools re-open. NOW! If government doesn’t stop this foolishness…STAY IN THE STREETS. END GOVERNEMNT CONTROL OVER OUR LIVES. IF NOT NOW, WHEN? THIS IS AN EXPLOITATION OF A CRISIS,”

In another tweet, Clarke called the United States’ response to the COVID-19 coronavirus the byproduct of “several decades of liberal wussification.” Clarke wrote, “We closed America, we crashed the economy not on the basis of factual information but out of panic, fear & hysteria.”

He continues with another doozy.

“I am TIRED of all this, ‘we have to err on the side of caution’ BULL SHT. WE HAVE TO GET BACK TO REASONABLENESS DAMMIT. It’s the DAMN FLU. Stop being afraid and start being SENSIBLE. WASH YOUR FUCKNG HANDS! STOP BUYING TOILET PAPER. DO YOU FUC*ING HEAR ME????”

Last up and my favorite because it’s drink time with George Soros.

“Not ONE media outlet has asked about George Soros’s involvement in this FLU panic. He is SOMEWHERE involved in this, I don’t talke my orders from ANYBODY. I lead and think for myself. The left HATES that from a black man.”

How nutty is he? He’s so nutty Fox News has quit using him. How nutty? He’s so nutty, he was “let go” from a pro-Trump super PAC America First Action.

Right Wing Watch

About Surley 2558 Articles
No hell below us, Above us only sky, Get over it