Join News Views for a Live Discussion on Pastor Pence and the Coronavirus Warriors press conference.
Here’s the President’s Schedule today — while Pence will be at the press briefing as part of the task force, Trump may not be there. . . . .
Here's Trump's public schedule for today. Note: it's not specifically indicated if he'll attend the coronavirus press briefing, which is scheduled for the same time as his private intelligence briefing. (Public schedules don't include all of a president's activities.)
Hi All: Join us for a White House Press briefing at 2 p.m. With all that’s going on, there will be for Jen to address, and at least one or two dumb questions from Doocy MORE
Join News Views for a Live Discussion on ‘Let’s Open Up the Country’ Trump, Pastor Pence, Scarf Lady, and the real Coronavirus Warrior, Dr. Fauci’s press briefing. More than likely, the Warriors will begin their briefing late as usual but MORE