Haiku Wednesday

Challenge yourself; test your skills. Today, you get to put your comments, whatever you want to post, in Haiku format. You can reply to others as you choose but try to make your first, any stand alone comment, as a Haiku.

For those that need a refresher: Your first line MUST contain 5 syllables, nothing more, nothing less.

Second line must contain 7 syllables.

The last line reverts to the first line: 5 syllables.

Easy peasy-5,7,5.

For example:

I am over this.

We are a Third World country.

Thank you, Trump, asshole.

Should have been prepared.

Not ignored intelligence.

People are dying.

Don’t blame Obama.

You have been our president

for over three years.

Man up and own it,

you incompetent buffoon.

People are dying.

-Ms. G

You don’t have to write a book; I did because I cannot say anything in 10 words or less….that’s just me.

If you really want to challenge yourself, try posting a recipe Haiku style. Better yet, try to make it rhyme.

I posted these elsewhere but here goes it again:

Greek green beans: Fasolakia (I don’t put bayleaf in mine-only use Italian, flat parsley–some feta on top). Yum!

Green beans with taters
Simmered in tomato sauce.
Greek dish I so love.

Fresh, dried herbs, garlic
onions and some cinnamon

The way we make mashed potatoes:

Mashed red potatoes
With bits of garlic and parm
Too tasty for words.

Add some fresh parsley
Black pepper and more garlic
Some butter on top.

Happy Haikuing!

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About Ms. G 5734 Articles
WTF, America?! What the actual F?!