ABSTRACTS: COVID-19 and exponential growth

Ever since the coronavirus outbreak a lot of people have been minimizing the rate of spreading — defined as R0 or R naught. This R0 for COVID-19 without social distancing restrictions in place is 2.0 at its most optimistic.

While this may seem extremely arbitrary, growth can grow out of hand extremely fast after just a handful of iterations. As we have seen already in the last couple of weeks and this is with the world pretty much on some form or another of a lockdown where R0 will be extremely lowered.

While some US states or governments around the world are considering firing up the economy again it is good to visualize what exponential growth actually looks like visualized (courtesy: Corridor Crew).

So, just maybe it may be important to have some grip on this pandemic before even considering re-opening anything.

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About forkless 304 Articles
Part-time despot and Dutch mini-pancake connoisseur. Has been known to play a musical instrument or two, much to the chagrin of people and pets around him. Visit me on Mastodon