Haiku Wednesday

We tried the whole limerick thing but Haikus did so much better and proved so much more fun. So, we’re back to Haiku Wednesday.

Here are the rules: I request that any stand alone comment you post be in Haiku format. How you reply to a comment is your choice.

In a nutshell:

Your first line MUST contain 5 syllables, nothing more, nothing less.

Second line must contain 7 syllables.

The last line reverts to the first line: 5 syllables.

Easy peasy-5,7,5.

I guess I will start:

Yeah, 60K dead

You said 15 was just fine

It’s way more than that.

Still locked in my house

The Orange Ass wants us open

How safe will we be?

The profits can wait

I don’t want to die this young

It just has to wait.

No testing exists

Stay at home orders you lift
You want ust to die?

We all need to vote

Get out there and off your ass

Kick him to the curb.

Get Trump out of there

The WORST president ever

Orange Ass needs to go.

Do you relish this?

Not the new normal I want

We failed so bad.


You don’t have to write a book; I did because I cannot say anything in 10 words or less….that’s just me.

Happy Haikuing!

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WTF, America?! What the actual F?!